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Additional Leader Resources
Group Guidelines
The purpose of our guidelines is to create a relational environment.
Open GuidelinesDiscipleship Wheel
A reproducible process for discipleship to evaluate your spiritual maturity and help others do the same.
View WheelBooks, Websites, and Apps
A list of recommended resources from our pastors!
Team Discipleship Leader Development:
The Mission:
- The Master Plan of Evangelism
- Multiply
- Radical
- Follow Me
- Church is a Team Sport
- Real-Life Discipleship
- Spiritual Leadership
- The Teaching Genius of Jesus
- Cross-Cultural Servanthood
- The Insanity of God
Understanding the Bible:
- How to Read the Bible for All its Worth
- How to Read the Bible Book by Book
- The Drama of Scripture
- Telling God’s Story
- Words of Life
- The Bible Project – Read Scripture Illustrated Summary of Biblical Books
Church History:
- Know the Creeds and Councils
- Know the Heretics
- Historical Theology
- 131 Christians Everyone Should Know
- Christian Theology: The Classics
- Seven Revolutions
- Jesus Freaks
- Fox’s Book of Martyrs
New Believers:
- Growing in Christ
- My Heart, Christ’s Home
- ESV Study Bible
- My Utmost for His Highest
- Grace for the Moment
- Crazy Love
- Its Not About Me
- Know Why You Believe
- A Case for Christ
- A Case for Faith
- A Case for a Creator
- CARM Website
- Free Online Evangelism Course
Marriage & Family:
- The Marriage Builder
- Love & Respect
- You and Me Forever
- Real World Parents
- Parenting According to Grandma
- The Five Languages of Love
- The Five Languages of Apology
Character Development:
- 10 Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health
- Habitudes #1 (Faith Based)
- Habitudes #2 (Faith Based)
- Habitudes #3 (Faith Based)
- Habitudes #4 (Faith Based)
- Habitudes for the Journey
- Habitudes for Communications
- Habitudes for Career Ready Students
- Habitudes for New Professionals
- Complete Habitudes Set
- How to Win Friends and Influence People
- Total Money Makeover
- Financial Peace
- Love Your Life, Not Theirs
- Smart Kids, Smart Money
- Complete Guide to Money
- YNAB (You Need a Budget)
Children’s Resources:
- NIrV Bible
- Boz the Bear
- What’s in the Bible with Buck Denver
- The Beginner’s Bible
- Kids Money Smarts (Dave Ramsey)
- Kids Bible App
- YouVersion Bible
- Bible for Kids (YouVersion)
- Blue Letter Bible
- Fighter Verse
- Prayer
- Read Scripture
- Bible.is
- Gospel App
- Unreached of the Day
Leadership at TC
Understand our form of government and how leaders are appointed.
Our form of government is congregational. That means our voting membership elects the elders, deacons, and trustees that lead our church.
These leaders have clearly defined areas of jurisdiction laid out in our Constitution & Bylaws.
The Senior Pastor is chief of staff and is ultimately responsible for determining the jurisdiction and responsibilities of staff and elders.
We consider the following roles to be “Leadership Level” roles in our church:
- Pastors / Elders
- Deacons
- Trustees
- Ministry Area Leaders
- Small Group Leaders
To qualify for a “Leadership Level” role, a person must…
- Be a voting member in good standing (actively fulfilling their membership agreement)
- Be properly appointed in accordance with our Constitution & Bylaws
- Complete all required screening and training for their role
In addition to “Leadership Level” roles, there are many areas for more people to get involved in leadership and service!
- TC Kids volunteers
- Adult Sponsor (student ministry)
- Greeters & safety team
- Media team
- Office staff support roles
- Coffee Corner
- Kitchen team
- and more!
Interested in serving? Let us know with this form!
Casting Vision in Group
There is an art to effective vision casting in a small group. Thankfully, vision casting is a skill that can be developed through training and practice. This article provides two helps for the group leader who wants to become more effective at casting the vision for their small group:
1. An overview of how vision casting impacts teamwork and culture AND
2. A strategy that outlines what the vision is and gives helpful ideas for communicating the vision.
This should not be understood as an all-encompassing guide for effective vision casting... there’s always more to learn! But this is a great resource for group leaders and disciple-makers!