Can You Spot a Win? – 1 Thessalonians 1
Can You Spot a Win?
Together Church | Pastor Brandon Werner | January 12, 2025
Sermon Manuscript | Series: 1 Thessalonians
Today, we’ll begin our journey through a new book of the Bible: 1 Thessalonians.
If you have your Bible, open with me to 1 Thessalonians 1.
Bible Basics:
- There are 66 books in the Bible.
- The books of the Bible are divided into several genres. One of those genres is called Epistles.
- Epistles are letters written by church leaders to a specific audience; either individuals (like 1 & 2 Timothy) or churches (like 1 Thessalonians).
- Sometimes Epistles were written to address specific problems in a church. Other times, they were written to encourage faith in a particular doctrine. And sometimes, they were written to commend a church for its faithfulness.
- 1 Thessalonians is an Epistle.
- It was written by the Apostle Paul to the local church of the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 1:1).
- Paul wrote this letter along with Silvanus and Timothy (1 Thessalonians 1:1).
- Paul wrote this letter to commend the church of the Thessalonians for its faithfulness. They were winning!
Although this letter was written to a specific church at a specific time, this letter is scripture.
Scripture is God’s revealed truth, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. By God’s providence, this letter was not only for the Thessalonians but for us today. As we read and study this book, the Holy Spirit will help illuminate its meaning so we can apply it to our lives.
Scripture is special. There’s nothing else like it. And today, we begin our journey into 1 Thessalonians.
Are you ready? I am! Let’s go…
To appreciate this letter, we need to understand what happened that prompted Paul to write it. That story is found in Acts 17:1-10.
Paul and his team almost never went to Thessalonica. They were originally headed for Asia Minor, but the Holy Spirit redirected them to Macedonia (Acts 16). The first place they visited in Macedonia was Philippi, where Paul and Silas faced brutal persecution (remember Paul and Silas in jail?).
After their release, they traveled to Thessalonica.
What We Know About Thessalonica:
- Population: Roughly 200,000.
- Under Roman control.
- Had a Jewish synagogue.
- Influential leading women (like Lydia in Philippi).
- Many devout Greeks, who worshipped pagan gods.
Upon arrival, Paul and Silas followed their usual custom: they preached the gospel in the Jewish synagogue.
The Response to the Gospel:
- Some believed! Jews, devout Greeks, and leading women embraced the message.
- Some rejected it. Jealous Jews stirred up a mob and attacked the new believers.
- The mob couldn’t find Paul and Silas, so they dragged Jason (a new believer who had hosted them) before the city authorities.
- The accusation? “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also!”
- Intended as an insult, but actually a compliment!
- God’s vision: We will develop disciples who radically impact the world for Jesus Christ.
- The authorities demanded a heavy financial penalty from Jason.
- The church quickly sent Paul and Silas away under the cover of night.
Paul had spent only a few weeks with these new believers before being forced to leave. Imagine his concern:
- Would the church survive?
- Would persecution overtake them?
- Would they stand firm or fall away?
Later, Paul finally received a report about them…
- Not only had they survived, they had thrived!
- They continued following Christ, despite persecution!
- Their faith had spread throughout the region!
Paul must have jumped for joy when he heard the news. I can picture him shouting, “Someone bring me my pen! I gotta write this church a letter!” And under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians—a letter of encouragement that still speaks to us today.
Paul’s response tells us something important: Paul knew how to spot a win in the church.
Illustration: Thunder Game
It’s easy to spot a win at a Thunder game. But can you spot a win in the church?
Paul could. And he identified it in this letter.
What Was the Win?
Paul didn’t praise them for:
- Their song choices in worship.
- Their building size.
- Their charismatic pastor.
Instead, Paul wrote:
1 Thessalonians 1:4-10
(Read passage again—emphasizing their faith, endurance, and example.)
The win was that these people became true believers!
- They really believed God loved them and chose them in Christ.
- They really believed the gospel.
- They really believed in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- They really believed they were witnesses for Christ.
- They really believed Jesus is God and turned from idols to serve Him.
- They really believed Jesus was coming again.
Here’s the win: They were truly transformed by faith in Jesus.
- A win happens every time a person turns from self and chooses to follow Jesus as Lord.
(Gospel Invitation: Jesus is Lord.) - A win happens every time a believer overcomes self-centeredness and becomes God- and others-centered.
- Many disciples get stuck in self-centered thinking.
- Spiritual growth happens when we stop focusing on ourselves and start living for God and others.
- The Thessalonians grew quickly in faith—even under persecution!
- Their example of suffering well made them famous.
- Paul saw the win and celebrated it!
- Can you spot the win in your own life?
- Can you spot the win in the church?
- Like Paul, do you celebrate the wins?
Illustration: The Thunder’s Success
The Thunder win because they believe in their team. Likewise, we win when we believe in Jesus.
We can believe! And when we truly believe, we will be changed.
- Will you believe that Jesus is Lord?
- Is today the day someone decides to surrender to Jesus?
- Will you believe you exist to love and serve God and others?
- Who is ready to move past self-centeredness and live fully for Christ?
Can you spot a win today?