Support Staff Team

Pearl Markham

Bernie Morris

Julisia Ruckel
TC Kids Wednesday Night Bible Zone Director

Roger Tuter
Grounds / Facility Updates
Additional Team Members
Our trustees serve one-year terms and are appointed by our members. Trustees oversee the business operations of our church (capital improvements, constitution & bylaws, budget planning, member business meetings, legal, etc.).
- Michael Bollinger (chairman)
- Doug Miller (vice-chairman)
- Lance Perkins (secretary)
We use the term pastor/elder synonymously. Some of our elders are paid staff members, and some serve completely as volunteers. All of our elders have been appointed to the office of elder in our church by our members. The elders are responsible for the oversight of spiritual needs in the body (i.e. – shepherding, vision, corporate gatherings, preaching, singing, calls to fast and pray, etc.).
- Brandon Werner (chairman)
- Britt Clay (vice-chairman)
- Stephen Dellinger (secretary)
- Jack Clay
- Nathan Redman
- Hugh Sauer
- Jerry Wells
- Seth Wright
Our deacons oversee the physical needs in our church – both on campus and in the lives of our members. Deacons are leaders of the servants. All our deacon have been appointed to the office of deacon in our church by our members.
- Greg Werner (chairman)
- Phil Apple
- Caleb Burnett
- Shiloh Dellinger
- Jeremy Dukes
- Joseph Ruckel
- Justin Walter
- Britt Clay (Baptisms)
- Justin Walter (TC Men)
- Kasey Burnett (TC Women)
- Chad & Dennah Robinson (Movement, TC Young Adults)
- Jerry Wells (TC Seniors)
- Lauren Clay (Interior Decorator)
Our form of government is congregational. That means our voting membership elects the elders, deacons, and trustees that lead our church.
These leaders have clearly defined areas of jurisdiction laid out in our Constitution & Bylaws.
The Senior Pastor is chief of staff and is ultimately responsible for determining the jurisdiction and responsibilities of staff and elders.
We consider the following roles to be “Leadership Level” roles in our church:
- Pastors / Elders
- Deacons
- Trustees
- Ministry Area Leaders
- Small Group Leaders
To qualify for a “Leadership Level” role, a person must…
- Be a voting member in good standing (actively fulfilling their membership agreement)
- Be properly appointed in accordance with our Constitution & Bylaws
- Complete all required screening and training for their role
In addition to “Leadership Level” roles, there are many areas for more people to get involved in leadership and service!
- TC Kids volunteers
- Adult Sponsor (student ministry)
- Greeters & safety team
- Media team
- Office staff support roles
- Coffee Corner
- Kitchen team
- and more!
Interested in serving? Let us know with this form!